martes, 30 de octubre de 2018


Resultado de imagen de boy  wearing a ten gallon hat texas1. They are from Texas (USA). They are wearing ten gallons black hats.

Resultado de imagen de niña vestida con kimono2. They are from Japan. They are wearing a kimono. The kimono is a traditional dress.

Imagen relacionada3. He is from Scotland. He is wearing a kilt. The kilt is the typical skirt, but has the peculiarity that men wear it

Resultado de imagen de niña con sari        4. She is from India. She is wearing a pink sari. The sari is the typical dress girls wear.

Resultado de imagen de niña con hijab

5. She is from Morocco. She is wearing a hijab. The hijab is a veil that covers the head and neck of the women.

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